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Doctor Who has a devoted fan following who regularly meet at conventions to discuss, debate and sometimes argue over their favourite programme.

The Panopticon Tapes feature vintage highlights from Britain’s largest conventions which were originally organised by The Doctor Who Appreciation Society (DWAS).


1. The Main Event

What are PanoptiCons like to organise? What do the fans think of them? What do the stars think of the fans? All this, and there’s still time for a liberal sprinkling of stories from the production team!

However, you’ll see lots of other personalities from other eras as we stop along the way to look at particular aspects of the programme.


 2. The Early Years

The stars and production team give a unique insight into Doctor Who from its beginning with William Hartnell to Patrick Troughton’s portrayal of the Doctor.

However, you’ll see lots of other personalities from other eras as we stop along the way to look at particular aspects of the programme.


3. The Pertwee Years

We take an in-depth look at the Jon Pertwee era, which has been featured more thoroughly at PanoptiCons than any other. Experience the special mix that made this period one of the most popular in Doctor Who’s history.

However, you’ll see lots of other personalities from other eras as we stop along the way to look at particular aspects of the programme


4. The JNT Years

Peter Davison and Colin Baker’s portrayals of the Doctor conceded with one of the most controversial periods of the programme’s history. Was the programme as good as it used to be… or just different? What did the production staff, both past and present, think?

However, you’ll see lots of other personalities from other eras as we stop along the way to look at particular aspects of the programme.



Panopticon Tapes (DVD)

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